NMA… THE Leadership Development Organization is a professional association dedicated to growing the leader in YOU! In today’s complex global economy, strong, principled leadership is needed more than ever before. NMA is dedicated to the growth and development of its members by empowering them with the leadership skills needed in today’s workplace and beyond.
With a National Resource Center in Dayton, Ohio, NMA is a national, not-for-profit association with over 7,000 members. Often dubbed a leadership incubator, our members are employed by some of the largest companies in the world in the aerospace and defense industries, manufacturing, utilities, government, and health care.
NMA also offers individual memberships for those without a company affiliate.
Our members have one thing in common – the desire to grow and develop their leadership skills to help themselves, and their employers, compete in the rapidly changing 21st century.
When combined with the timeless principles of integrity, respect, fairness, and honesty, NMA’s cutting-edge professional development materials teach members the skills they need to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Those skills are honed in local chapters where members serve in various leadership roles, collaborate and leverage shared experiences, participate in community service projects, and become even more valuable contributors to their company and community. Professional Development courses not only improve skills but also earn Continuing Education Credits (CEU).