This award is given in recognition to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the fields of either management and/or leadership development through published books, articles, theory development, positions held, or teaching. The award was established as a tribute to Wilbur M. McFeely, a creative thinking individual who made significant contributions to the field of human relations in management. A plaque will be presented to the recipient at the Association’s Annual Conference. The recipient will also be expected to participate in the education portion of the conference by giving a presentation in the field of their expertise. Qualifications – Nominees are either nationally or internationally recognized for developmental accomplishments in the fields of management or leadership development. They are visionary and innovative thinkers whose ideas have influenced the operation of both organizations and the people who work in the organizations. While membership in the Association is not a requirement, the nominee should be an advocate of the Association’s Code of Ethics. This honor cannot be awarded posthumously. The recipient must agree to be present to accept the award. Any NMA member is eligible to nominate someone for this award. Nominee names must be submitted to the NMA Executive Director no later than December 1 (nomination would be for the following year). This should include a biography of the nominee and information on how to contact the nominee. If more than one qualified nominee is received, the Chairman of Recognition, Staff Advisor of Recognition, the NMA President , and the NMA Chairman of the Board will determine the final nominee.
NMA McFeely Recipients
Year |
Name |
1975 | William G. Sharwell |
1976 | Benjamin B. Tregoe |
1977 | Robert L. Gardiner |
1978 | Lester R. Bittel, CM |
1979 | Dr. David K. Berlo |
1980 | Dr. George S. Odiorne, CM |
1981 | Dr. Frederick I. Herzberg |
1982 | Dr. Gordon L. Lippitt, CM |
1983 | Dr. Peter F. Drucker |
1984 | Dr. W. Edwards Deming |
1985 | Lee Iacocca, CM |
1986 | Dr. Thomas Peters, CM |
1987 | Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, CM |
1988 | Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, CM |
1989 | Dr. Theodore Levitt, CM |
1990 | Dr. Morris Massey, CM |
1991 | Dr. Stephen R. Covey, CM |
1992 | Robert Townsend, CM |
1993 | Frances Hesselbein |
1994 | Zig Ziglar |
1995 | Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter |
1996 | Max O. DePree |
1997 | Dr. Peter Senge |
1998 | Robert K. Greenleaf (Posthumous) |
1999 | Dr. William J. Perry |
2000 | Philip B. Crosby |
2001 | James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner |
2002 | Lance H.K. Secretan |
2003 | David L. Neidert, CM |
2004 | Norman R. Augustine |
2006 | Dr. John Kotter |
2008 | John Ryan |
2011 | Dr. Barbara Kellerman |
2013 | Marcus Buckingham |
2016 | Dr. John C. Maxwell |