NMA National and Associate Directors are key to the success of NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization. Each Director has an opportunity to make a substantial contribution to the progress of NMA; to expand personal leadership skills; and to make lasting personal and professional friends. How much one gains in personal growth and experience is directly related to the involvement, commitment and contributions one makes to NMA.
National Director
NMA Directors are, in many ways, “the eyes and ears” of the Association. In addition to being the policy-making body of the organization, they also “keep tabs” on our chapters and councils. Directors provide critical support when it comes to interpreting NMA policies, promoting new programs, and basically “servicing” our affiliates. Directors are all assigned to one or more chapters and are asked to complete monthly reports on the health of their assigned chapters. Serving on the NMA Board is the logical next step for chapter leaders who wish to step up to the next level of NMA involvement.
QUALIFICATIONS: Any chapter or Individual Member in good standing may volunteer to serve as a Director for either a one or three‐year term of office. Anyone representing a chapter will submit a Director Petition which asks for official approval from their chapter as well as approval from the management of their company/organization for the required time to attend meetings and financial support. An individual member simply needs to sign and submit a Director Petition (also must be sponsored by a National Officer).
Associate Director
Associate Directors serve an important role as advisors and counselors to our chapters. While Associates are not required to travel to NMA board meetings, their duties and responsibilities parallel what we ask of Directors. In chapters that do not financially support a Director, this is an excellent opportunity to still have someone within the chapter whom NMA keeps current on all NMA policies, programs, and procedures. Associates are encouraged to report monthly in order to keep national leaders abreast of these chapters’ activities.
Any chapter or individual member in good standing may volunteer (or be asked) to serve as an Associate Director. Associate Directors normally volunteer for a 1‐year term. They are not required to attend board meetings nor do they have a vote on the Board of Directors. They do, however, receive ALL Director correspondence from the Board and NMA Headquarters and may attend Board meetings if they so desire.
National AND Associate Director Responsibilities
There are four words that represent the main responsibilities of a NMA Director.
- Directors need to AID chapter officers in organizing and conducting efficient and effective chapter operations. Successful chapters set goals and plan activities for the year along with emphasizing the value of continuous education and service to the community.
- Directors need to INTERPRET NMA policies and new developments in professional development products and classes to leaders in assigned chapters as well as to executives in affiliated companies.
- There is a need to COOPERATE with other Directors and NMA staff in the development of new initiatives that benefit existing chapters as well as helping to identify new chapter leads in their area. Also, the Director needs to help chapters promote teamwork and leadership development.
- Directors need to LISTEN to those they serve
National AND Associate Directors Responsibilities to Assigned Chapters/Councils
- Maintain monthly communication with assigned chapters/councils
- Visit each chapter as often as possible, at least once each year
- Assist chapter leaders in establishing annual goals and objectives
- Keep chapters informed of NMA programs and new initiatives
- Encourage chapters to participate in NMA Awards and Recognition Program
- Meet with executive advisors of assigned chapters as needed
- Keep chapter membership aware of connection with NMA Headquarters
- Install chapter officers
- Encourage chapters to join a council, if possible
National AND Associate Director Responsibilities to NMA Headquarters
- Encourage chapters to use the NMA staff as a source of information
- Keep the NMA staff informed of activities
- Submit a copy of your Director’s Monthly Service Report
- Cooperate with NMA staff when asked to assist with conferences
- Submit possible new chapter leads to NMA staff
National Director Responsibilities to the Board of Directors
- Attend three board meetings each year
- Represent chapter views on board policy decisions
- Counsel chapters on board decisions affecting chapter operations
- Be aware of views of other Directors on the board and in your area
National Director Responsibilities to Assigned Committees
- Serve on assigned board committees
- Attend each committee meeting and participate fully
- Follow through on committee activities, which may occur between meetings